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Value-Added Gift Certificates are BACK!

Value-Added Gift Certificates are BACK!

As we gather for Thanksgiving and approach the end of another difficult year, we want to take a moment to thank you for your ongoing support and patronage. We couldn’t do it without you!

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Our Retreat from Social Media

Our Retreat from Social Media

As a team, we have chosen to leave social media and instead focus on providing all of the information you need and examples of the work you want to see…right here on our website!

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Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness

This month, we’re teaming up with the Cancer Resource Center to support community members with cancer AND with some of our favorite brands to support breast cancer research and awareness.

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Protocol Update September 19, 2021

Protocol Update September 19, 2021

In an effort to keep our community safe and in compliance with the latest guidelines issued by Governor Hochul, we have adjusted our safety protocols regarding COVID-19.

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Renovations Underway!

Renovations Underway!

We are undergoing some exciting renovations and the salon schedule will be a little different while we get spruced up!

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Protocol Update 5-19-21

Protocol Update 5-19-21

At Satori we have and will continue to put the health and safety of our team, clients and community first! Though the mask mandate has lifted, we will continue to go above and beyond what is required to keep our space clean and safe.

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We’re Vaccinated

We’re Vaccinated

Every member of our team is now fully vaccinated. Please continue to follow NYS protocols and reschedule your appointment if you have been experiencing any symptoms or exposed to anyone with the virus (or symptoms) in the 14 days leading up to your appointment.

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Village green plaza
840 Hanshaw Rd,
Ithaca, NY 14850

(607) 266-0130


Satori Salon is Ithaca's premier location for haircare. From the products and services we offer, to the ways in which we give back to our community, we strive to exceed expectations every time.


Sunday: Closed
Tuesday: 9:30am-6pm

Wednesday: 9:30am-6pm
Thursday: 9:30am-6pm
Friday: 9:30am-6pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm